Thursday, August 17, 2006


b-b-b-b-brain hurtsssssssss, c-c-c-can't w-w-w-write...

i've spent the majority of my adult life surrounded by unsolicited advisors. Don'tcha just love free input from people that will never be around a) to help implement it and b) to help pick up the pieces after it goes wrong. even better, is my favourite sneering response after thanking these folk for making it worse... "i was only trying to help". as if i am some kind of ungrateful lowlife. thanks, but next time i'll go to chapters and buy the 'do it wrong yourself' manual.

conclusion... as long as you are somewhat able to come across as knowing what you are talking about, you can pretty much f$&k up any situation for anyone who never really asked your opinion in the first place.

marbles rattle in my mouth
my brain and body are out of synch
bantering fills my ears
and logic leaves me

space, empty all around me
i crave this time
to reflect - to 'reboot'
escape; come to me now.

so, where is this heading? i have to tell you that i am in serious need of some downtime - from everything! like a crack addict foaming at the mouth for my fix, i want to get lost, get outta here... see ya! i'm just not sure on where to fit it into my busy, getting kicked in the ass, schedule.

i'm thinking the sooner the better... fiji anyone (wink)?


At 11:32 AM, Blogger Mel said...

I was just telling my dad this morning how I have this incredible urge to run right now. Run away. I have no idea where to or how, or for how long, but I need to shut off the noise, you know?

Re: unsolicited advice- my dad taught me a long time ago that one should never offer it. He always asks me if I want to hear his opinion before he offers it. I appreciate that so much.

At 4:24 PM, Blogger jibber.jabber said...

hi mel,

i totally understand what you mean by 'noise'. somedays are much louder and tempting to run from. good point though >> how and where??? for me i think it would be a 5-star resort and activity outing... pool/spa, hike/bike trails. a nice long weekend get away.

your dad is a smart cookie ;)



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