Wednesday, October 04, 2006

yep - that's me!

the run for breast cancer came and went... fast. there was some great support both financially and participatory by my family and friends as well as some of caitlin's friends and colleagues. she would have been proud yet humble that this was done for her. she definitely was not one for hogging the spotlight. it's just that the spotlight loved her dearly.

i ran and ran and ran and then it was done. it was only 5km which i was somewhat relieved to find out... i'd been slacking on my long distance capabilities; maybe getting in one very lazy 10km run per week. so, 5km was easier to consider as i approached the starting gate.

anyhow, it felt great to run for her to make her memory a future on this day. i want so badly to say i could feel her there with me but the truth is, i didn't. there were no tears, no misery. i was just happy to be doing my part on her behalf. the rest of sunday was the same and the evening gave way to an easy trek to bed.

AND... ta da!!!! i slept! the whole night - yep... THE WHOLE NIGHT!

no wake ups, no tossing, turning. no wrestling with emotional demons laughing in my ear at what was stolen from me, from caitlin and i. instead, i experienced a truly peaceful and ever so lovely slumber... a deep one. i woke up feeling great and near the end of the day i was approached by one of my employees. she asked me if it was really me...

hell ya it was me...
back in the game...
ready to go....
bahhhring it on!

just give me a little warning first ;)


At 11:29 PM, Blogger deepsat said...

hey good for you!!!

wishes and regards for you!

keep walking!!

At 9:32 AM, Blogger AmyB said...

Woo hoo!!! That's great news!

And she was there with you, I know it...she just didn't want to steal the spotlight, that's all. :o)

At 7:41 PM, Blogger Jill said...

Good for you. :) You've seriously just inspired me.


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